Lego serious play helps make complex things tangible.

What we do?


Lego serious play helps make complex things tangible and develop visions in workshops.


In a 3-hour facilitated workshop with agency and client stakeholders or customers, we use the creative and proven method Lego Serious Play. Together we make thinking processes visible. Along a defined process, creative ideas of the participants and a dynamic team life are promoted with different techniques. It is suitable to develop strategies and visions and to stimulate internal cooperation. 


What are typical questions?


• How can I present complex issues in a way that everyone can experience and understand?

• What are required change processes in terms of brand, product, positioning, employees and team structures, etc.?

• How can I communicate these in an understandable way and implement them with all relevant stakeholders?


How does it help?


• Deeper understanding of customers' motives and attitudes.

• Uncovering pain points, desires or improvements.

• Facilitates design thinking processes

• Development of internal processes and innvoations


What are the limitations?


• The approach is an introduction to complex issues that require further elaboration.

Key Infos

When to use?

In the beginning of a strategic and creative process.

Combine with

Additional sources of insight, i.e. stakeholder Interviews.


For which topics can such a workshop be conducted?

For non-specific topics such as the future, security as well as for specific topics around brand, product, employees, customers, competition.

How long does the preparation take?

Typically, approx. 2 weeks from commissioning must be expected. 

What happens in the briefing conversation?

In the briefing discussion, we clarify your question together. What are you interested in? What do you want to find out?

After that we can work out a guideline for the Lego-Serious-Play Workshop. The guide serves as orientation for the facilitator in the workshop. 

How does such a workshop work?

• The entire Lego Serious Play workshop lasts 3 hours

• The first hour is the warming up to get to know the method and the use of the building blocks

• In the second hour we focus on the central question

• In the third hour we finalize and concretize the results and form tangible and actionable measures

Michael Wörmann

Managing Partner

+49 89 2050 5560 

m.woermann (AT)