Become a UX Professional in the Facit UX School

User Experience and Usability are the topics that are close to our hearts and that we deal with every day. In the Facit UX School we would like to share our knowledge and many years of experience with you.


A user-centric approach is becoming more and more important to develop and market successful products. Our experts can provide you with the necessary knowledge based on real use cases from a wide range of industries, talk out of the sewing box and, above all, help you to apply the knowledge you have learned with confidence. You can look forward to many great practical examples and tips. It is important to us to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels comfortable and can learn from each other. This is especially important for practical exercises.


We are a certified training provider of the International Usability and UX Qualification Board (UXQB). Our courses therefore effectively prepare you for the internationally recognized exams.

Good variety between theory and exercises. The seminar was designed to be entertaining.
